NCG Leadership Hub
NCG's Leadership Hub has been designed to help you unlock your untapped potential and become an ‘ambitious and responsible leader’ who values and empower peoples, by being both inclusive and diverse. More than 300 NCG employees have now benefitted from the programme, and hundreds more are due to complete programmes this year.
Our programmes
For new and aspiring people managers
A six-month group programme to help you develop the skills to become a great hands-on manager. Whether you’re new to a management role or aspire to become a people manager in the future, Aspire will equip you with the tools you’ll need to lead an effective team and be a supportive and inclusive manager.
For existing middle managers
Develop your skills and knowledge even further to become a more inclusive leader with an effective team. Working with colleagues from across NCG you will develop and deliver an NCG commissioned project to deliver positive change for the benefit of colleagues or learners.
For senior leaders
As part of our Inspire programme our Senior Leaders are provided with the opportunity to take part in external conferences or to attend recognised external development events, putting NCG and our colleges on the map and sharing best practice and thought leadership across the sector.
They also work one-to-one with a coach to develop personal action plans and as a result, build on their existing leadership skills.
Coaching Programme
For anyone with untapped potential
We've developed a growing coaching pool who have the knowledge, skills and experience to deliver coaching through a series of one-to-one sessions tailored to you and your individual development needs.
NCG's Annual
Leadership Summit
Our Leadership Summit brings together colleagues from across NCG to share thoughts and experiences around leadership, facilitating the sharing of good practice as well as debunking some of the myths around good leadership.
Each year, our Leadership Hub graduates and participants from all levels gather at the themed event linking to the NCG values and beliefs to ensure we are developing and promoting the right behaviours and culture within NCG.

What our Leadership Hub graduates say

Kevin Illingworth
Lecturer in Automotive, Newcastle College"Overall the content of the Ambition programme was good, but the "WOW" moment was in every session and it was the facilitator Philip. Philip made the sessions enjoyable and brought his own informal, open, honest opinions and anecdotes. I really enjoyed his presentation techniques."

Juliette Grassby
Head of English and EHE, Lewisham College"I really enjoyed the practical elements of the Ambition course, specifically practicing GROWTH coaching with a colleague. This gave me a positive way forward."

Rachel Hadden
CSS Data and Administration Manager, Newcastle College"Taking part in the Ambition course has made being a manager more important to me and opened my mind up to the craft of being a manager."

Katherine Robson
Education Partnerships and Events Manager, Newcastle College"Taking part in this course has made me a more reflective person in work. The focus on emotional intelligence was really interesting and very different from what we learn on other programmes."

Mark Coulthard
Director of Marketing and Communications NCG"Access to development programmes like the Leadership Hub has opened up new opportunities for our leaders to grow and adapt their skills with confidence, whilst also aligning to NCG’s strategic direction.”

Rob Wraith
Head of Learning Technologies and Digital Learning NCG“The Leadership Hub was a great opportunity to meet and work with likeminded colleagues across NCG on a collaborative project, where the focus was to improve our current processes and skills. This programme provided me and the colleagues I was working with, the opportunity to discuss, understand and further develop our leadership skills.”
What else do we offer?
Leadership Action Learning Sets (LALS)
For any leaders looking for a community
Set up and facilitated by The Leadership Hub, the LALS groups bring together leaders in similar roles from across NCG to share and discuss the challenges faced on a daily basis.
For any colleague who wants to improve the quality of what we do
As part of The Leadership Hub, we offer the following
Lean courses:
- Introduction to Lean in FE - involving a half day workshop introducing the concepts and approaches used in Lean, and the benefits to staff and learners in raising standards.
- Lean Quality Management Techniques for Further Education - an online course delivered through 15 x 90-minute sessions, designed to help you understand the further education sector and business tools and techniques that will drive value by reducing waste (lean) and variability/system variance (sigma).
Bespoke Leadership Workshops
For Principals and Heads of Departments
Through one-to-one discussions with Principals and
Heads of Departments, we identify specific areas for improvement. Sessions are tailored to the specific attributes of the group that need improvements and support.
Dealing with External Agencies – OFSTED Readiness Workshops
For NCG Ofsted nominees and leaders
The Leadership Hub can help you prepare for meetings and conversation with external agencies which are often connected to some form of audit or review of NCG’s operations.
These can often be challenging and direct, and our Leadership Hub provides support for these meeting by developing your ability to be robust and confident in dealing with challenging conversations.